serve with us

Enrich your spiritual life by getting involved in the Church by volunteering your time and talents! Holy Family offers opportunities for any interest, comfort level, and time commitments. Join our mission to serve each other, our local community, and the world. Click here for details about these and all our other parish ministries in our Ministry Guide | Ministerios Guia.

Teaching Opportunities

Become a catechist or catechist assistant to teach our young people and adults interested in Catholicism, one of the most important discipleships. Join us in sharing your faith in Jesus Christ. Our teams of elementary, middle school, junior high, high school, adults, and first holy communion and confirmation candidates need teachers for next year. Bilingual catechists are especially needed. Contact Ashley Neumann to find the right fit for you. Days and times depend on class level.

Retreat Assistants

Support our Faith Formation Catechists on Saturday or Sunday retreats scheduled periodically throughout the year by providing supervision, guiding activities, and participating in service projects. Contact Ashley Neumann for Elementary Formation, or Ross Twele for Middle and High School formation.

Liturgical Ministry

Serve during Mass as an altar server, lector, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, or usher. Check our Ministry Guide for the contact person specific to your interest.

Interested in SERVING the parish?

We all have unique talents that are gifts from God. Discover how you can share yours with our church community. Contact Ana in the church office to find your calling.

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