You can support our mission in several ways.

support holy family

We are grateful for your gift to Holy Family Parish!


Regular Collection during Mass

Our first collection is always to support our parish ... to pay our utility bills, staff salaries, and invoices for supplies. Our second collections support specific needs in our parish and our Diocese.

Online through ParishSOFT e-giving

With ParishSOFT Giving, you can easily give one-time or recurring donations via our secure giving portal. ParishSOFT Giving allows you to create an account so you can manage your gifts from anywhere at any time. To create an account, simply complete your gift, then select the option to create an account on the confirmation screen.

Mobile Giving through Text Message

Text HFCCH to 73256 and click the link to complete your gift. (Text giving saves your information for future use without requiring a login.)

church icon

"All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the Lord your God."

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