Are you interested in revisiting your Catholic roots?
Whether you are motivated by a spirit of inquiry, are seeking a return to the Sacraments, or have been away for awhile, Holy Family Parish can help you achieve a greater understanding of the Catholic Church and God’s unrelenting love.
Let us give you a reason to return!
This parish is your spiritual home. Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we become united to Jesus Christ as head of the Mystical Body; we are incorporated into the Catholic Church and claimed as her child. In this, we become part of something much greater than ourselves - we join a 2,000 year old global community of Catholic believers.
Many Catholics drift away from actively practicing their faith over the years. The reasons are complex, but the Church continues to think of you as one of her children. The door is never closed to those seeking to return and enrich their lives through reconnecting with the sacraments and communal worship.
The parish community is eager to facilitate the return of any who have fallen away. Through reconciliation attendance at Mass, rejoining the spiritual lifeblood of Catholicism remains an open path. You will find the Body of Christ here ready to welcome you back with open arms - recognizing our shared struggles and hoping to participate in mutual healing. Our goal remains proclaiming the Good News of salvation and cultivating deeper life in the Spirit. Please consider letting your spiritual home guide your growth once more.
Watch inspiring stories of others who have either discovered or rediscovered their home in the Catholic Church. Scroll through episodes on the Catholics Come Home Network or The Journey Home to find inspiring spiritual journeys.
Jesus then said to those Jews who believed in him, ‘If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” (John 8:31-32). Jesus identifies Himself as the Truth, because in all His words and deeds He answers all the pressing questions about the meaning of life. Where do I come from? What is my purpose in life? Is there more to life than this world offers? Is death the end of it all or does eternity await me?
Our Lord assures us that we are on earth for a very specific purpose. By exploring the divinely revealed truths of our Catholic Faith, we can find answers to our important questions. God has given us His Church to guide us and show us the way to fulfillment in this life and in eternity. God gifts us the Church to show the path to joy now and forever after death.
Want to explore what it all means?
Explore the thoughts of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Universal Doctor of the Church, with the assistance of the Pontifical Faculty of the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC. Enroll in their free Aquinas 101 course to dive deeper. Learn God's purpose for you and how to live it out every day.
The proof for this reason can be stated simply. Sanctifying grace (God’s divine life and friendship) is, according to St. John (1 John 3:9), the seed of God. This seed is the first sown in the soul in the sacrament of Baptism. Therefore, by its very nature, sanctifying grace is meant to increase and develop in the soul by our participation in the sacramental life of the Catholic Church throughout the course of our lives.
The Catholic Church teaches that there are seven sacraments, each instituted by Jesus Christ either during his earthly life or after his resurrection during the apostolic age so we may receive His love and grace. For over 2,000 years, the sacraments remain a special way Jesus helps us grow closer to him and each other. They fill our lives with God's presence through different stages, from birth, marriage and preparing for eternity. They are one of the great gifts of our Church which allow us to regularly encounter the divine and strengthen our faith.
A parish church is a spiritual family. As family, we are here to help each other come to know, love and serve God, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven. Families encourage each other to make good choices and live God's way. That's what we do here, too.
“Behold these Christians, how they love one another.” That was a reason for the great conversions in the early centuries.
This is the heart of it all. We are here to show others God’s image within us as we try to achieve the fullness of that image personally, and as a community of disciples. As a parish family, we are here to assist one another to become everything God created us to be. Jesus calls us to spread his light to every corner of the world. But it starts right here at home, within our parish family. From our littlest children just learning, to our elders with decades of spiritual wisdom - each of us has a role to play.
"One does not make the world more human by refusing to act humanely here and now. We contribute to a better world by personally doing good now, with full commitment and wherever we have the opportunity, independently of partisan strategies and program. The Christian’s program—the program of the Good Samaritan, the program of Jesus—is a ‘heart which sees.’ This heart sees where love is needed and acts accordingly.”
—Pope Benedixt XVI, Deus Caritas Est #31
What does living our faith look like? It means being kind when others least expect it. It means offering to help someone who's struggling, even if we're busy. It means putting aside what we want to make time for prayer or attending Mass.
Living our faith leads us to do good deeds. But it also transforms our hearts to become more like Jesus. The more we act like Him, the more we'll feel His joy and peace inside us!
Even little actions can make a big difference when done out of love for God. If you are interested in putting your faith into action by volunteering, please contact Ana Rubio.