Are you being called to a deeper relationship with Christ and the Catholic Church?
God constantly calls us into a deeper relationship with Himself. In the Catholic Church, we enter into this process of discovery and discernment through a guided journey called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Whether you were baptized as a child and still need to complete the other Sacraments of the Church, or were raised in another Christian denomination, or are just now discovering faith in Christ, we invite you to join our RCIA program at Holy Family.
The process of Christian Initiation begins with a time of Inquiry - to simply learn more about the Christian Faith and the Catholic Church. After a time of prayer, formation, study, and spiritual direction, if you feel that this is the moment when God is leading you to become a full member of the Catholic Church, then you will be guided through the necessary next steps to come into full communion with the Catholic Church, to receive Baptism, or to complete your initiation through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. We offer RCIA in both English and Spanish; you may join the program in whichever language you are most comfortable.
May God bless you on your journey of faith!
For more information about Holy Family's RCIA process or to register for RCIA classes in English or RICA classes in Spanish, please contact us.