We all need help to live our faith ... come join us at Holy Family as we
SERVE, and
CONNECT with each other and with God!
Tuesday March 4: Confessions from 5:30pm-6:15pm
Ash Wednesday: No Confessions/ Miércoles de Ceniza No Confesiones
Tuesdays of Lent: (March 11, 18, 25; April 1, 8) Confessions - 5:30pm - 6:15pm
Martes durante la Cuaresma: confesiones (11,18, 25; 1,8, de abril) 5:30-6:15pm
Wednesdays of Lent: Deanery Penance Services (No Confessions at Holy Family)
Miércoles durante la Cuaresma: Confesiones en Común (No Hay Confesiones los mirécoles en Sagrada Familia)
3/26/2025 Penance Service @ Holy Family / Confesiones en Común en Sagrada Familia @7pm
Tuesday of Holy Week: No Confessions at Holy Family ( Chrism Mass @ Cathedral)
Martes Santo: No confesiones en Sagrada Familia (Misa Crismal en la Diócesis)
Wednesday of the Holy Week: Confessions from 5:30pm - 7pm
Miércoles Santo:
Confesiones desde 5:30pm - 7pm
We have many opportunities for the Sacraments and time for praise, worship and prayer, either privately or in a group.
Holy Family offers Faith Formation classes for all ages, first grade through adult. Learn how to develop your relationship with Christ.
Join others at Holy Family to put your faith into practice, both in our own Parish and the wider community.
There's always something going on at Holy Family. Click here for the current calendar of events.
Relationships of faith and friendship are important! Find a Bible Study or Prayer Group meeting time.
Live out your faith by serving our community and sharing God's love with others! Click here to find a ministry or volunteer opportunity.
Our parish bulletin is the most comprehensive source for news and information. Pick up a copy from the Atrium after Mass, or click here to read it online.
We share important news about our Parish life through Flocknote. Have alerts sent right to your phone.
Whether you are just passing through on I-85 or I-40, are newly arrived to the Hillsborough-Mebane area, or just want to know more about the Catholic Faith, we invite you to join us for our services, classes, and events. Look around our website to learn more about our parish, and please join us for Mass, confession, Faith Formation, or just to spend some quiet time in the church!
We invite you to join us as we live our mission to love God and our neighbor through PRAYER, STUDY, SERVICE, and COMMUNITY!