Preparación BautismalPreparación Bautismal

Profundiza en nuestra fe

Cosas que todo católico necesita escuchar de su pastor. Esto es Fe en Acción con el Padre Ryan.

por Eric Garrison 12 de mayo de 2023
People are often fascinated by the journey of discovering individual identity. At some point in your life, you’ve probably taken a personality test, figured out your astrological sign, or taken an online quiz to figure out what flavor of Doritos you are. All of these try to tell us who we are and where we belong in the world.
por Eric Garrison 29 de abril de 2023
People are often fascinated by the journey of discovering individual identity. At some point in your life, you’ve probably taken a personality test, figured out your astrological sign, or taken an online quiz to figure out what flavor of Doritos you are. All of these try to tell us who we are and where we belong in the world.
por Eric Garrison 26 de abril de 2023
People are often fascinated by the journey of discovering individual identity. At some point in your life, you’ve probably taken a personality test, figured out your astrological sign, or taken an online quiz to figure out what flavor of Doritos you are. All of these try to tell us who we are and where we belong in the world.
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